Registration Renewal Explained

Registration Renewal Explained

Online briefings for registered engineers

Understand what’s required to maintain your registration!

Anyone providing a ‘professional engineering service’ in, for or from Victoria must be registered under the state’s Professional Engineers Registration Act 2019 unless they are supervised by a registered engineer or guided by a ‘prescriptive standard’. The Act came into effect on 1 July 2021 and registration must be renewed every three years.

From early 2024, thousands of registered engineers will be notified that their registration will soon expire, so it’s vital that they understand the renewal process & requirements.

This online briefing will cover:


(who is affected?)

Renewal requirements

(what are they?)

CPD Areas & Types

(what is eligible?)

15/08/2024 12:00 PM - 5/06/2025 1:00 PM

Sign In to Register

NOTE: If you are creating an IPWEA account for the first time, it will be activated the following day. Please register for the event 24 hours after creating your account to ensure you get access to any special rates available on your account.

If you wish to register someone else, please do so before proceeding to checkout.